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Obituary of Hamilton McClung McAfee, Mercer County, Kentucky.

Hamilton McClung McAfee, private in Company I, 3d Kentucky Cavalry, Morgan's command, died quietly at his home, in Mercer County, Ky., on July 31, 1920. He was born on May 12, 1842, in a family well known in Kentucky history. His father was William H. McAfee and his mother Indiana McAfee. He was a direct descendant from one of the five McAfee brothers, who, with their mother, Jane McAfee, were among the first in 1776 to cross the Cumberlands from Virginia to Kentucky and from the tangled mass of cane and dense forests of oak, which was then Kentucky, to carve out a great State.

Hamilton McAfee answered the call to arms during the second year of the War between the States, joined Morgan's command, and remained with his beloved leader until his capture. He was very proud to relate that when the time came to cross the Ohio and start the now famous raid he was selected as one of the detail to precede the flying raiders and seize the ferryboat so that the command could cross later.

At the capture of General Morgan he was placed in Fort Douglas, at Chicago, where he remained until exchanged when Lee was defending Richmond. At the last surrender he walked from Virginia to Kentucky.

Something of the high ideals and sterling integrity of the Southern cause seemed to have been stamped upon the very souls of the men who fought for it. Hamilton McClung McAfee was no exception. His best eulogy may be pronounced in that he was a typical Confederate veteran.

[Vanarsdell, Ky.]

SOURCE: Confederate Veteran Magazine, October, 1920.

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